
Returns a sequence containing only APK splits which are the most compatible with the device.

If exact device's screen density, ABI or locale doesn't appear in the splits, nearest matching split is chosen.

This function will call Context.getApplicationContext internally, so it's safe to pass in any Context.

The operation is intermediate and stateful.

Returns a sequence containing only APK splits which are the most compatible with the device.

This function will call Context.getApplicationContext internally, so it's safe to pass in any Context.

The operation is intermediate and stateless.

Returns a list containing only APK splits which are the most compatible with the device.

If exact device's screen density, ABI or locale doesn't appear in the splits, nearest matching split is chosen.

This function will call Context.getApplicationContext internally, so it's safe to pass in any Context.

Returns a list containing only APK splits which are the most compatible with the device.

This function will call Context.getApplicationContext internally, so it's safe to pass in any Context.